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Program Directory
Active Programs
are funded and available for approved IHDA lenders to lock in TPO Connect.
New Programs
are not yet available for approved IHDA lenders to reserve in TPO Connect. These are programs are in the planning phase. The terms of these programs may change before opening.
Closing Soon / Limited Funding Programs
are active programs and are still available for approved IHDA lenders to reserve in TPO Connect. These programs are nearing fund depletion and will soon be unavailable to lock TPO Connect.
We can't find any programs in this category, check back soon!
DISCLAIMER: All program funding and availability is subject to change at any time, and is not guaranteed until the lender places a complete reservation with IHDA Mortgage. Potential borrowers must meet all applicable program guidelines and income/purchase price limits for the county the property is located in to be eligible. Detailed program guidelines and requirements can be found in the procedural guide posted in the IHDA Document Library.
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